Well its been an age since I updated this news page even though I have done so many new things on the site. The new dog drawings are done featuring a cute dog , Steves dog and a poodle and with the added images I have enough as planned to make a new dog iPad colouring game which I really like.
I have also been updating and creating new online colouring games twenty two so far and all the eight image sets have the new extended colour range now AND... you can save the finished images when using a computer. The smaller sets of six still need sorting but I'm close on completing those.
The snowman colouring section has been reworked and has a new look as does the Christmas colouring section and I've added a new Xmas ipad game featuring eight images. Planning to draw a couple more snowmen, then I can add a game for that section as well.
I've also created a super easy Ipad colouring game with eight of my drawings. This one is especially for the younger children, very limited areas to colour in and has inspired a new iphone colouring game design. Got lots of plans for this in the future.
I've just finished updating the snail colouring section with the new template and added another new drawing of a skateboarding snail to those.
Spent most of yesterday doing some fixes for older browsers after I spotted a few IE issues but those are done and live now.
Just starting to revamp the dog colouring section with the new page layout design and I also need to create a new online game for that section as I have enough drawings and talking about drawings I have quite a few more good dog drawings in the sketchbook which I aim to get worked up and published on the site soon.
Well its been a super busy month and I've got loads of things updated and developed lots of new ideas for the site including a new six image phone / android colouring game. I've used lots of the thinking behind the online colouring tablet games I made and have chosen and modified six simple images.
The plan was to build the games so they could be downloaded for free for IOS and Android but on checking Apple are charging $99 a year to let you publish games and you need an apple mac computer (really) anyway... the phone games will have to be browser only so the finished images can't be saved on a phone or tablet (unless you screenshot them) disappointing I know but that's where we are at the moment.
I've also been updating lots of sections on the site, the most recent being the people colouring section and in that I've added a new gardener colouring page and also added a hiker from another section of the site, bringing the total pages to seventeen, which is enough for a new Ipad colouring game :)
I'll add a link to the Iphone game soon once I've tested it with a few more people and I've also created a simple online game for tablets and your computer, I'll post a link to that too.
I've not updated the news section for a while but been super busy the last few months upgrading the online colouring section of the site and adding the new template to the rest of the sections of the site, I never realised that I had made so many pages to alter them all has been quite a journey, but I'm still loving the drawings and love the new reworked Ipad colouring games.
SO where do we start... I'm sorting the big sections first and as I love the new online games have made a new game for nearly every section of the site now.
The animal / zoo sections and the main colouring section are all done and the most recent are fairies, dragons and hedgehogs and as I mentioned the new games are in place for these.
Talking about the new games... well I started out many moons ago using java and then using flash and now the games are all html5 based (they work with a web browser) which means they are good on tablets and computers and even work on smart phones but not really recommended for that size for this release.
Back on with working on the page updates and pleased to say I'm getting loads of the new page designs in place now and planning to finish the last ones in the next month or two. Once those are done I can get back on with adding some of the new drawings to the site.
Back on with updating the sections of the site, the latest being the Animal Colouring section. I've also just finished and sent live the new Animal iPad colouring game. Also updated the frog colouring page in the new style and fixed a few things that I spotted on some of those pages.
Been having a break from the site for over a year now and over the past few years lots of things have changed including ways people use the internet, browsing devices and ways of making websites. Every time I have looked at the site I spotted things that needed fixing and to get the site as it should be, every page would need to be worked on (not a small job)
Well... I decided to bite the bullet and start to re work the site which is going to take some time, but so far everything is going well and to plan. The latest section which is nearly all done is the Bird Colouring section this section now works on mobile devices. Also reworked the menu for the site and reworking some of the content and removing some of the pages that we don't really need. As always good to get feedback, let me know if you spot anything odd on the new pages.
As technology moves on I thought it would be good to make some iPad Colouring games using my drawings which Kids can use to play with rather than having to turn on a computer. The new iPad games feature eight images and a good selection of colours. I've not worked out how to save the coloured images yet but will update the games when I do, I still think its good fun as it is and it will keep your children busy.