The Online Picture Maker section features Online Fuzzy Felt pages that children can use online, by dragging images on the web page to create unique Fuzzy Felt style pictures. You can drag multiple images, and after the images has been placed on the page, you can click on it and re position it in another place and scale the images see help section for details. The Picture Maker section, now has pictures to create online, these will be added to a the colouring site progresses.

Kids Dressing up Game
This is the flash version of the Frog dressing up game I made as an iPhone app, there are loads of different funny versions to be made. Should be good for children of ages to play with, you can change the hands, hats, eyes, mouth, backgrounds, frog colour and clothes.

Park Picture Maker
This is the latest Picture Maker game to be added to my site, there will soon be a new one added soon which will feature smoother graphics. This new Park Fuzzy Felt game features a much larger background with twenty seven new images, that can be placed to make your own special park picture.
Piggy Picture Maker
This latest online Picture Maker features pigs. Click and drag the images to create your own special Picture Maker pictures.
Fish Picture Maker
Fish, small and large, starfish, seaweed animated bubbles and other items, to create a picture of your own.
Snowman Fuzzy Felt
This Snowman Picture Maker allows you to dress up and create your own snowmen. A selection of hats, eyes, scarf and snowman body parts.
Rabbit Picture Maker
A good selection of rabbits to drag and place, the new rabbit Picture Maker also has a garden where you can drag and plant carrots and leeks.
Dinosaur Picture Maker
A selection of different coloured dinosaurs, cave people, rock, bone, trees, grass and flowers. Should add more dinosaur Picture Maker pages soon.
Farm Picture Maker
The first Picture Maker page added to the site, and I suppose its quite basic compared to the newer versions.
Space Picture Maker
Several rockets, stars (some animated), planets, space craft, shooting star and a space alien.
Sheep Picture Maker
Several sheep at various sizes, a gate, four trees of different sizes, a cloud, seagull, a yellow flower and an orange.